Steinmetz from Vogt is supported by MONA
This Monacharger with lithium-ion battery is in use at a Steinmetz company in Vogt. We hope you enjoy working with MONA. The electric farm loader is also ideal for use...
This Monacharger with lithium-ion battery is in use at a Steinmetz company in Vogt. We hope you enjoy working with MONA. The electric farm loader is also ideal for use...
Wir gratulieren zu neuen Abenteuern! Diese MONA Lunar wird im Rahmen eines Renovierungsprojektes im Raum Stuttgart tatkräftig zum Einsatz kommen. Auf dem Hof werden zukünftig Pferde und Alpakas gehalten. #teamNeyer...
Bereits im Sommer hat Familie Boss ihre MONA Lunar mitgenommen nach Südfrankreich. Der Elektro-Hoflader kommt dort auf dem privaten Pferdehof für kleine Arbeiten zum Einsatz. Bonne journée!
Wir gratulieren unserer Kundin zur MONA Lunar. Die Maschine wird für Stallarbeiten auf dem Pferdehof genutzt. Ausstattung: Große Lithium-Ionen Batterie Hydraulischer Schnellwechsler 3. Steuerkreis Schwimmstellung Klappdach LED Scheinwerfer Sitzheizung 2...
We warmly congratulate the Boss family from Switzerland on the new electric MONA farm loader. The electric loader will be used on their horse farm in France and will provide...
#monadiemachine for professional agriculture. We wish the Härle company from the region a lot of fun working emission-free with the electric MONA charger.
Congratulations on the new electric farm loader. This MONA loader is now in use in part-time farming in the Ostalbkreis district. The electric loader takes on the physical burden of...
Congratulations to Vorarlberg. Our MONA concept loader is in use on a horse farm in beautiful Ländle in Austria. We wish you a lot of relief when working with the...
This fully electric Monalader with Euro holder and crocodile teeth is in use on a hay milk farm in the Allgäu. Thanks to the lithium-ion battery, the electric charger is...
Congratulations to “Schönes aus Holz” on the new Monalader! The MONA farm loader with lithium-ion battery is now used for emission-free transport of wood. Thanks to fast charging and a...
This electric MONA farm loader is used for gardening and municipal work in Switzerland. Even in the dark season, you can work in the evening without any problems thanks to...
Manoeuvrable in the old calf barn with the emission-free MONA loader. The farm loader is equipped with LED headlights as standard and offers optimal visibility even in darker corners. Equipped...
Another MONA electric farm loader is in use on the Angele dairy farm in the region. The electric charger is equipped with a large lithium-ion battery. We hope you enjoy...