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“The Mole” house magazine

With a circulation of 14,000 printed magazines, “Der Mole” from Neyer Landtechnik inspires local and national audiences with interesting articles, innovations and employee news.

The Mole 2/2022

Find out more about New Holland's new methane gas tractor in this issue. Get inspired by our employee interview with Mohammed Housni from our agricultural technology workshop. Learn how you can effectively save electricity in the stable. Don't miss out on current promotional machines, demonstration machines and stock machines.


Der Maulwurf 2/2024

In dieser Ausgabe findest du ein spannendes Interview zum Thema Agri-PV mit Mark Kugel. Erfahre mehr über unseren Mitarbeiter Bruno Wohlhüter, Leiter unserer Lagerlogistik.

Auf Schnäppchenjagd? Entdecke unsere aktuellen Aktionsmaschinen, Lagermaschinen und Gebrauchtmaschinen.

Der Maulwurf 1/2024

Erfahre in dieser Ausgabe mehr über die Zukunft der Landwirtschaft im Interview mit Professor Dr. Breunig. Lerne unseren Mechatroniker Clemens Feuerstein kennen. Entdecke unsere aktuellen Angebote und Gebrauchtmaschinen.

The Mole 2/2023

Find out more about the latest tech news from New Holland and KUHN in this issue. Get inspired by our employee interview with Franz Miller from our accounting department. Get to know the job of Lisa Modrow, our Dairy Success Manager. Don't miss out on current promotional machines, demonstration machines and stock machines.


The Mole 1/2023

In this issue you will find out more about our path to CO2 neutral operations. Get inspired by our employee interview with Moritz Pfleghar from our GEA Solution Center. Find out more about current promotional machines, demonstration machines and stock machines.


Past editions of “The Mole”

Current issue

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