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Innovative manure technology

  • A dealer


  • Advice

    Trained experts

  • configuration

    Individual needs

  • Workshop

    Service & repairs

Manure technology from Wienhoff

In order to meet the requirements of the manure regulation, we have expanded our portfolio of suppliers in manure technology. In addition to proven brands such as Bomech and Stallkamp, ​​we have also had Wienhoff in our portfolio since March 2020.

Landmaschinen Wienhoff GmbH manufactures its products in Bawinkel in Emsland and is characterized by intensive cooperation with its customers, as well as colleges and universities. The first customers in Upper Swabia are enthusiastic about the technology. We are pleased to represent Wienhoff in the Allgäu-Upper Swabia region.

I was able to see the Wienhoff quality for myself during a factory tour in Emsland, and I was particularly unfamiliar with the advice on individual design. I am very pleased that #teamNeyer represents Wienhoff in our region.

Konrad Kling

Farmer from Bad Wurzach

Wienhoff manure technology

High level of vertical integration, high-quality materials and qualified personnel.


Manure regulation

At the start of the 2020 manure season, there were legal changes again from February 1, 2020 due to the Fertilizer Ordinance. Since 2020, liquid manure such as manure or biogas digestate may only be spread in strips on cultivated arable land or must be added directly to the soil in order to achieve the reduction in ammonia emissions required by the European Union. The same applies to uncultivated arable land and grassland from 2025.

This means that many companies have to invest in spreading technology or new liquid manure tanks. Approved techniques for spreading include drag shoe and drag hose distributors, injection devices as well as manure cultivators and manure disc harrows. Retrofit solutions are also possible for many existing liquid manure tanks in order to keep investment costs low.

We would be happy to advise you on the topic of manure spreading and create a tailor-made offer for you.